writer / Emily Costello
number of articles: 11
first issue: March 2022

The Representation of Women in Horror: the Final Girl Trope.
by Emily Costello
Black Swan to Spencer, When Will Male Filmmakers Stop Torturing Women?
by Emily Costello
The Craft : Witchcraft and Women.
by Emily Costello
Tim Burton in Glorious Colour; A Deep Dive into Burtonism.
by Emily Costello
'That's Hot!' The Fetishization of Mentally Ill Women in film.
by Emily Costello
Bloodshed and Beethoven: Music as a conscious element in A Clockwork Orange.
by Emily Costello
The Scream Franchise: Revitalizing the Slasher Genre!
by Emily Costello
Do Blondes Really Have More Fun? Hollywood’s Fetish for Platinum.
by Emily Costello
The Alien Feminine: Birth and Pregnancy as a Horror Spectacle.
by Emily Costello
Halloween and the Horror Movie Soundtrack.
by Emily Costello
“I don’t know if I like it”: Sofia Coppola’s Priscilla in all its flawed glory.
by Emily Costello